If you are about to engage the services of a serviced apartment, we've compiled a list of the key things you can ask before you decide:
If they say yes, check whether it is chargeable, dependent on availability and if you need to pre-book.
If they say yes, check that it's strong enough for more one than one person to use at any one time in case you have visitors or if you are a family looking to stay together. Also check usage limits and if any charges apply.
If they say yes, ask about laundering/washing and replacements (and any other conditions during the COVID situation).
If they say yes, ask what's included - things like toilet roll, tea, coffee, milk, washing up liquid, a washing machine pod and where there is a dishwasher, a dishwasher tablet.
If they say yes, ask what's included - things like shower and body wash, hand wash.
If they say yes, check the frequency and if they charge should it be needed more frequently.
If they say yes, check the process - is it a key safe, digital key code entry or something else.
If they say yes, check the notice period. 48 hours is not uncommon since COVID.
If they say yes, ask for a run down - things like all surface, handles, switches, keys etc should be disinfected.
If they say yes, ask for details and if any notice is required to change the configuration. Most providers should be able to offer the same room as a king or twin (2 singles).
If they say yes, check their website has details.
© Hamilton Grace 2025 - by Elina PMS